Assuria Home Assistance

Assuria Home Assistance is an additional insurance you can take out with your Assuria Homeowners Insurance.


  • Electrical outages (including hydrophore and air conditioning).
  • Clogged sewer (inside and outside the property).
  • Burst or cracked pipes indoors.
  • Being locked out or locked in (assistance in regaining access to your home).
  • Emergency provisions after a break-in at your home.
  • Emergency measures in the event of damage to the roof caused by a fallen tree, branch or fallen object (bullets, drones, model aircraft, fireworks).
  • Renewing the pressure switch of the hydrophore and the float of the durotank.
  • Sudden need for outdoor lighting, where a maximum of 2 outdoor lamps can be replaced up to a maximum amount of SRD 500.
    Note: Maximum height of the lamps to be replaced is 3 to 4 meters.

The maximum annual cover is SRD 7,500 or € 350 or $ 350.
A maximum of 2 (two) claims may be submitted annually. However, the joint benefits will not exceed the above-mentioned annual cover.


Our AHA 177 line is available for assistance from 6am to midnight.
For emergency services after a break-in (point 5), the AHA 177 line is available 24 hours a day.
Our service provider serves areas within a radius of 20 km from Assuria on the Recolaan 17:

  • North: Till the Atlantic Ocean.
  • South: Up to and including Lelydorp.
  • East:    Up to and including the Katwijk plantation.
  • West:  Till the Vijfde Rijweg

The premium (excluding sales tax) for this cover is SRD 300 or € 15 or $ 15 per policy year.

Click here for the Special Conditions for Assuria Home Assistance.